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Poetry and Prose

"Keeping' the Faith" (short story), Newport, Rhode Island: Newport Review, May 1987.

"The Angel Sang" (short story), Newport, Rhode Island: Newport Review, November 1988.

"Survival Motion" and "Children of Rage." (two poems) In Nelson Mandela Amandla. Amelia Blossom House and Cosmo Pieterse (Eds) Wash., D.C.: Three Continents Press, 1989, 24-29.

"Tokunbo: A Divination Poem." Black American Literature Forum. Volume 23, No. 3, Fall 89, 485-489.

"Revival." A Moment In Time. National Library of Poetry. 1995

"Healing Song." Amherst Review. 1995.

"Women/Sisters of Air Afrique." Crone’s Nest: Wisdom of the Elderwoman. Saunderstown, RI: 2, Summer 1996, 14.

Theatre Reviews

“At the Crossroads of Time." An Essay on August Wilson's Joe Turner's Come and Gone. Providence, Rhode Island: Trinity Repertory Theatre, Humanities Booklet #5, February 1989.

"Playing a Blue Note." An essay on August Wilson's Ma Rainy's Black Bottom. Providence, Rhode Island: Trinity Repertory Theater, Humanities Booklet #3, December 1987, 7-11.

"Ijapa: The Trickster Tortoise." (Playbill essay), The Trick Track Tales, a performance of Black World Folklore. Providence, Rhode Island: Rites and Reason Theater, Brown University, May 1986, 3.

"A Giant Statement", a review of Soyinka's 'A Play of Giants', Yale Repertory Theater. In Hantu: Newsletter of the New England Regional Conference on Black Studies. 6,2 (Spring 1985), 4.